After 29 years of dedication, Nathalie Boisvert is now establish as well in United States. She is known as one of United Stats and Canada best Photo retoucher and Portrait painter and subsequentaly her artistic flare and creativity gave her the opportunity to work on such portraits like the Royal Family. She has earned her Master of Photography from countless hours of study, practice and judging for the PPOC.
Nathalie has shared her expertise by traveling across United States, Canada and Bahamas lecturing and sharing her talent with the industry. Her skills with computer technology is by transforming her photos into paintings. Her technique leaves the integrity of the pictures by keeping the soul and spirit of the artistic expression of the subject. She extend her incredible talent on canvas with oil but mostly acrylic. She create unique masterpieces specially for your needs.
She also did enter her finished portraits in an International competition based in England and was proud to found out that she earn a merit for her work in the child category.
You can see her recent winning portrait on this newsletter and on her website and if you ever have an opportunity to see the rest of Nathalie's work you will know why her wall is decorated with many awards.
Over the years did contribute with her extraordinary knowledge in paintings and photography to National judging and photo critics in Canada and United States.
Also she did developed a sense of philanthropy. What Nathalie is all about: Of helping or relief to the poor; almsgiving. Given to help the needy.
Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity. She help raise money in divers charity in the community, she offer custom made family portraits and digital and acrylic paintings.